We Test. We Eat. We Review - Wellness Core Chunky Centers
It is time for me, Flapper Choo, the self-proclaimed food extraordinaire to write another food review - Wellness Core (Grain Free) Chunky Centers - Wellness latest wet food product that looks enticing to my permanently hungry stomach.
Miss Y from Silversky Pets was bursting in excitement to send us this new product for Frodo and I to try. I was expecting to receive just one or two tubs to try but O.M.G.! She sent us 12 tubs - 2 tubs per flavour! Food heaven has visited me. I sniffed the food right out of our box of goodies from Silversky and flashed my hungry round puppy eyes at mummy.
No chance.
Mummy looked at me and said, "Sorry Flapper. You know the drill... I need to think of how we are going to present these food before it makes it to your stomach."
Then Uncle Nic started studying the food and told mummy, "The salmon one is perfect for me."
And mummy looked at Uncle Nic and said, "You too! No eating of the food until I am done with the review!"
I slumped myself on my bed in the most exaggerated manner I could conjure to let mummy know I was not happy. At all.
Mummy put on her old lady glasses to study the food. Just by the packaging itself, it looks impressive and 'atas' (high-class). It looks like some food-lava pate with all that chunks oozing out in the middle. I mean, if the actual product has that amount of food-lava chunks, I am sold.
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The packaging looks impressive and it even entices the humans to try. Mummy did not say it out loud but I can read her mind. She WANTS to try it. |
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Image extracted from Wellness Website. Doesn't all the food-lava oozing out qualify for food porn? |
Like A Good Doggy, Let Me Study The Ingredients
Being the 'Wellness' boy, I have no doubt and trust that they use quality and whole ingredients to concoct the food. But in my bid of being a good doggy as well as a unbiased and honest reviewer/product tester, I have to delve deeper into reading the ingredients.
As usual, I have to consult "Dr" Food Advisor and like the other Wellness Core products, the Wellness Core Chunky Centers gets 5-stars ratings. You can read their in-depth analysis of the food here.
So... to make life easier for everyone (and myself), I decided to chart all 6 flavours for everyone's easy reference and comparison of each flavour.
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I missed a comma in the 'Other Ingredients' list - It should read "Potato Starch" comma "Natural Flavour" - two separate ingredients! |
The good news: Each cup boasts of solid 'whole' proteins - no 'xxx-meals' or 'by-products' - which should be an immediate relief to the many dog owners who believes in the 'whole food' theory. Don't expect to see whole chunks of the meats or egg or vegetable though! It is all mashed together as a paté and pretty much looks like luncheon meat and ham slices inside.
The good news for me but bad news for the national phenomenon of dogs who are allergic-to-chicken: Every single flavour contains chicken and chicken liver. Too bad! Frodo and I LOVE out our chicken and did someone say Chicken LIVER???????? *drool* Bring it on mama!
The Undefined: There are two ambiguous terms like 'natural flavour' and 'naturally preserved product'. Just a tad bit disturbed that I do not know exactly is the 'natural flavour' they speak of and what the natural preservatives might be......
Ooze the Food-Lava, Mama!
Needless to say, I was dying to see if the Chunky Centers would ooze out with all that porn-ish chunky bits as per their photo.
Clearly, Frodo and I loved the food. By 'funky', mummy meant pungent ammonia-like smell. She seems dubious based on the smell but Frodo and I find it highly irresistible. I call it... dog perfume.
Mummy always says, "If any food can fail the boys' taste test, you (the brand) are in trouble. They eat everything."
And that's the truth.
We have never ever failed any food test. The fact that Frodo stole the food at the end of the take.... Wellness Core Chunky Centers passed the taste test with flying colours.
Someone asked us, "Is there a preferred flavour?"
Frodo:"You wanna see me do my Sugarplum Frodo Dance when I see mummy holding the Chunky Core cups?"
Me: "Do you have any idea how high-value Chunky Core is? We rarely get to this kind of food. I don't care what flavour. I WILL EAT IT!" *glares at Mummy*
Mummy rolls her eyes.
Mummy: "Flapper, you have any idea how much it will cost to feed you and Frodo Wellness Core Chunky Centers?"
Mummy whipped out her excel spreadsheet.
I rolled on my back to play-dead.
Based on Wellness feeding guidelines of 1 cup per 1.8 kg of body weight, this means... I will eat 16 cups per day = 32 cups per day to feed Frodo and me! 😱
And just for fun... mummy decided to do a partial dry/chunky feed calculation as well.
Okay okay mum. I get your message loud and clear.
Then I gave mummy a smile and asked her, "What about Pebbles?"
MAYBE if I could convince mummy to get it for Pebbles. Wait. Maybe I should googly eyes at daddy instead. Pebbles is daddy's dog. Then we (Frodo and I)..... could steal some of her food. After all, I can effectively open the door.... 😏
Good news for small dogs owners is that the per day/per month cost is easier on the eye. To feed EITHER Frodo or me is equivalent to feeding 6 Pebbles. So to feed Frodo and me, one can feed 12 Pebbles! Nice!
Or maybe.... I should get Frodo to pull tragic face at Mr E of Silversky Pets again....
Where To Buy....
A little birdie from Silversky Pets snitched to me that Wellness Core Centers has been freshly loaded at most pet shops and they are running a Launch Promotion of BUY 3 GET 1 FREE. So if any non-chicken-allergic dog who wishes to try, now is the best time with this awesome promo!
It is also available on Kohepets online store. The price listed of $15.90 is for the buy-3-get-1-free promo and yes, you can assort the flavours too.
If only there's a buy for Flapper and Frodo section.... *guffaw* I'm kidding!
Enjoy the food as much as we did, my friends!